Assistant Instructor 5th Dan Shidoin
Brief info
Denis Dias was moved to begin his Aikido training soon after seeing a video of Morihiro Saito Shihan.
Denis began Aikido at the JCCC Aikido Club in 1992 where his main teachers and influence were Shihan George Hewson and Sensei Gerry Hewson. He received his shodan in 1999 from Shihan Yukio Kawahara. He was recommended for godan (5th degree black belt) in 2017 and appointed as a Shidoin in 2018.
Denis continues to be inspired by Shihan George Hewson and his approach to Aikido, which is a journey through the martial and philosophical aspects of this Budo. The insights gained from that approach are applied into daily life.
Another source of inspiration that continues is Morihiro Saito Shihan, who died in 2012. Denis and his wife, Wanda, attended his seminars around the world and also trained under him in Iwama, Japan.