To practice without focusing is a waste of time. It is essential that we be constantly aware of mind, body, and breath when performing or receiving techniques. At first this is difficult, because just remembering where to move…

To practice without focusing is a waste of time. It is essential that we be constantly aware of mind, body, and breath when performing or receiving techniques. At first this is difficult, because just remembering where to move…
Today, after a slow stroll with my two old dogs, my wife and I took a vigorous thirty minute walk. It’s the minimum recommended daily exercise. It was a beautiful day; it felt good to be outdoors in…
Aikido operates on four levels simultaneously: personal, martial, social, and spiritual. Translating “Aikido” into English as “The Way of Coordinating Energy” or “The Way of Harmonizing Spirit” already displays the subtlety and complexity of the term in both…
I would like to thank all those who sent me birthday greetings. Your best wishes and kind words are deeply appreciated. This year also marks for me forty-five years of Aikido training, the twenty-fifth anniversary of the opening…
It has been five months since we suspended our training. This is the longest layoff that I have experienced since I started practicing Aikido. March 31 marked the forty-fifth anniversary of my first class. I had been hoping…
Forty years ago today I took my Shodan (1st degree black belt) test in Tokyo. It was an extremely hot and humid day, much like here now. We sat in seiza for an unbearably long time. I had…
Confucius reportedly said, “Do not do to others what you do not want them to do to you.” In taking turns delivering and receiving techniques we should always appreciate that our partners make it possible for us to…
Socrates reportedly said, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” Aikido training is excellent for reflecting on one’s self. During a test, one’s true personality usually shows clearly. Take tests not to show off or boast about your…
Awareness and multi-tasking are not necessarily contradictory. When driving a car, one needs to be aware of many factors at once in order to arrive safely and efficiently. The principal focus is on the road ahead, but one…
En quarante-cinq ans de formation en Aïkido, je n’ai eu désamorcer qu’un seul combat. Jamais un ninja furieux n’a cinglé son épée dans ma direction tout en proférant un cri à glacer le sang. (Eh bien, sauf dans…